Stockholm Syndrome
a relationship is said to occur because of the helplessness experienced by a hostage at the hands of their captor and the related dependency on them for survival. Hostages can come to see a lack of abuse by captors as an act of kindness, regardless of the situation they have been placed in by those very same people.
The capture-bonding process is said to be a defense mechanism designed to protect the Ego. If the hostage can come to develop some kinship with their captors, then they will see them as less threatening and thus cause a drop in the psychological stress experienced by the hostage. They also become somewhat comfortable with the hostage situation itself and fear what will happen if it changes. In a long-lasting siege situation, this process may even be a contributing factor to the little-known Lima Syndrome - in which captors become fond of their hostages.
Abusive Relationships are another great example of how Stockholm Syndrome can induce helplessness and prevent people from breaking out of the cycle of abuse. The abused become so dependent on the person doing the abusing, their sense of self-worth so linked to the abusive relationship, that they fear being unable to exist in any other situation. They feel like they deserve to suffer in this situation and blame themselves whenever something bad happens. The abusive relationship is so insidious that people often need to be told that it is abusive and are unable to see it for themselves.
The Fear of Change
Ultimately, I think Stockholm Syndrome plus an unhealthy dose of Cognitive Dissonance serves to provide a good explanation as to why people have become so blind to the horrors inflicted upon the planet by the Governments of the world. We have been put in this position by the system and all the hardships we endure is because of that system, yet we take the lack of direct violence as evidence of good intentions. It is much less stressful to our Egos to believe that the Government and the financial backers who support it are not trying to hurt us, rather than to accept the truth of the situation.
The non-aggression by our captors is mistaken for kindness and people forget the whole system which is keeping us working just to get through the month. They forget that this is facilitated by the captors, that they could give us true freedom at any point, but they chose not to. We are held captive in this slave-factory, told that we cannot exist without it. But outside the sun is shining and without the captors restricting us, we are free to solve our own problems. Free to pool our knowledge and use our combined skills to build anything we desire and anything we dream of!
Do We Really Need THEM?
It is time for us to break away from The Hierarchy Enslaving Mankind, it is time for us to tackle our Stockholm Syndrome Society. We need to be brave, we need to show courage and we need to have faith in ourselves - not anyone else. You are stronger than you believe and together we can thrive without the parasites at the top of the pyramid getting fat on our labour. It's time to put down your ego, realise that your head is filled with lies, your emotions have been manipulated and your productivity hoarded. Look the abusive system straight in the eye and say no, say it loudly and proudly.
Peace, Love and Light,
Fanfare for The Conscious
Wikipedia: Stockholm Syndrome
Dr. Joe Carver: Love and Stockholm Syndrome
F4TC: Genocide by Proxy - Weaponised Poverty