Freedom of Speech is a wonderful thing, but I believe it is something which is misunderstood by many. The Right to Free Speech is exactly that, it is the Right to say whatever you like without censorship. It is the Freedom to express your ideas and beliefs without fear of repercussions.
It is not the Right-to-Get-Upset-if-Somebody-Disagrees-with-You. Refuting a point is not and Free Speech gives people the Right to disagree with you, in public, if that is where you choose to exercise your Right! It is censorship not the Right to be Abusive but it is the Right to Cause Offence, where the line must be drawn is when Psychological Harm is being caused.
Right to Be Wrong
Many people forget that with Rights come Responsibilities. When you exercise your Right to Free Speech, you must accept the Responsibility to deal with criticism in a reasonable manner, without censoring, intimidating or otherwise manipulating your audience. Threatening, deceiving or being abusive is stepping into the territory of Psychological Harm and is a perversion of the Right to Free Speech.
Certainly, Free Speech gives you the Right to be a racist/sexist bigot if you choose to be. But it also gives everyone else the right to tell you that you are one. You cannot expect to broadcast your views in a public space without being challenged on them; if you can't handle defending the views you express in the name of Free Speech - then don't express them.
The Right to Counter
Now comes the subject of "Hate Speech", many people will argue that this should be censored in the name of decency and protection of the vulnerable. However, censorship does not tackle the problem at its source, it merely reduces the outward expression of it and drives such views underground.
People will still hold these views, but they will be harder to identify and be challenged over them. We need to allow these people to express their views no matter how bigoted, misinformed or dangerous they may seem so that we can publicly counter them. We must organise counter-demonstrations, challenge them to open debate or question them about why they hold these views - censorship is not the way.
Educate, Liberate
If you are out with your kids and you happen to pass by someone expressing particularly discriminatory views, take it as an opportunity to educate your children. They will inevitably encounter such opinions in their lives, so better to teach them the errors of them early and build up their intellectual armour to the short-sightedness and generalisations of such perspectives. We should be trying to help them better understand why some people buy into these ideas.
Ultimately, I guess my point is simple. If we start to censor people because their point of view is unpopular, dangerous or potentially subversive - not only do we force this ticking time bomb out of public view where it could be diffused - we potentially open up the flood-gates for thought-crime and further censorship, which could be extremely dangerous.
We only need to look at the labeling of "Conspiracy Theorists" and Political Activists as Domestic Terrorists, or the recent attempts at gagging legislation (preventing anyone but Political Parties from discussing politics publicly around election times) to see how close we are to an Orwellian Society. Do we really want to take any further steps in this direction?
Fanfare for The Conscious
It is not the Right-to-Get-Upset-if-Somebody-Disagrees-with-You. Refuting a point is not and Free Speech gives people the Right to disagree with you, in public, if that is where you choose to exercise your Right! It is censorship not the Right to be Abusive but it is the Right to Cause Offence, where the line must be drawn is when Psychological Harm is being caused.
Right to Be Wrong
Many people forget that with Rights come Responsibilities. When you exercise your Right to Free Speech, you must accept the Responsibility to deal with criticism in a reasonable manner, without censoring, intimidating or otherwise manipulating your audience. Threatening, deceiving or being abusive is stepping into the territory of Psychological Harm and is a perversion of the Right to Free Speech.
Certainly, Free Speech gives you the Right to be a racist/sexist bigot if you choose to be. But it also gives everyone else the right to tell you that you are one. You cannot expect to broadcast your views in a public space without being challenged on them; if you can't handle defending the views you express in the name of Free Speech - then don't express them.
The Right to Counter
Now comes the subject of "Hate Speech", many people will argue that this should be censored in the name of decency and protection of the vulnerable. However, censorship does not tackle the problem at its source, it merely reduces the outward expression of it and drives such views underground.
People will still hold these views, but they will be harder to identify and be challenged over them. We need to allow these people to express their views no matter how bigoted, misinformed or dangerous they may seem so that we can publicly counter them. We must organise counter-demonstrations, challenge them to open debate or question them about why they hold these views - censorship is not the way.
Educate, Liberate
If you are out with your kids and you happen to pass by someone expressing particularly discriminatory views, take it as an opportunity to educate your children. They will inevitably encounter such opinions in their lives, so better to teach them the errors of them early and build up their intellectual armour to the short-sightedness and generalisations of such perspectives. We should be trying to help them better understand why some people buy into these ideas.
Ultimately, I guess my point is simple. If we start to censor people because their point of view is unpopular, dangerous or potentially subversive - not only do we force this ticking time bomb out of public view where it could be diffused - we potentially open up the flood-gates for thought-crime and further censorship, which could be extremely dangerous.
We only need to look at the labeling of "Conspiracy Theorists" and Political Activists as Domestic Terrorists, or the recent attempts at gagging legislation (preventing anyone but Political Parties from discussing politics publicly around election times) to see how close we are to an Orwellian Society. Do we really want to take any further steps in this direction?
Fanfare for The Conscious