Einstein Sacred Gift

Einstein Sacred Gift

Monday, 1 December 2014

Five Short Videos to Change the Way You Think

As it's the first of December and our year is into it's final chapter, I wanted to take a moment to share five short videos which I have found emotional, inspiring and thought-provoking. Their messages have touched me on a deeply personal and fundamental level and I find it prudent to share them with you today, at a time when so many are distracted by consumerism.

Christmas is a time when many celebrate their bounty, while so many people have nothing. A time which I enjoy simply for the closeness of family, the coming together of friends and the simple act of giving, be it a hug, sympathy, or simply the time of day - everything we do for each other without asking anything in return is a gift. Those who recognise the birth of a religious figure, of whatever faith, should try to remember the messages of love, tolerance and charity preached by these people.

1. Bill Hick's Message to Humanity

A rant about drugs and lack of objectivity in mainstream media turns into a profound spiritual revelation and a simple message about changing the world we live in.

2. Charlie Chaplin's Speech from "The Great Dictator"

Charlie Chaplin's speech which was featured at the end of his parody about Hitler "The Great Dictaror"and is one of the most emotionally touching things I have ever had the pleasure of being exposed to. Listen to the late, great comedian talking about the state of the world and the nature of humanity. As relevant then as it is now.

3. Howard Beale - We're in a Lot of Trouble (Network - 1976)

This clip is probably even more relevant now then it was back then, this clip has a telling message about the concentration of media ownership into the hands of the few and the power of the propaganda machine that is the mainstream media.

4. Alan Watts - What if Money was no Object?

The importance of doing what you love for your own satisfaction, regardless of external idea's of your level of success. Alan Watts' monologue speaks volumes of why our society has stagnated at this stage of mindless consumerism and increasing spiritual and intellectual malnourishment.

5. V - The Revolution (V for Vendetta)

Probably my favourite speech taken from fiction. V (the Protagonist), breaks into the government television centre and uses the emergency broadcast system to try to encourage an uprising against the oppressive police-state.

Just wanted to give you all some food for thought.

Fanfare for the Conscious

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